Almost one month from the discovery of the remains of 215 Indigenous children on the grounds of the
Kamloops (TK’emlups) Residential School, we are once again hit with news from the Cowessess First
Nation in Saskatchewan, that as of June 23, 2021, a discovery of 751 unmarked graves at the site of the
former Marieval Indian Residential School, which operated from 1899 to 1997.
There are no words that can describe this horrific finding. Children taken too soon from this Earth, from
their families and from their communities.
All Indigenous Peoples of Canada, collectively, are hurting in so many ways. The discovery brings more
memories, more hurt, more grief and more despair. We ask that you remember to be respectful of all
those affected by this, as everyone works their way through this shocking discovery. Please be there for
each other and provide comfort where you can; be an ear for someone; or just sit in stillness and pray
together. We must stay strong; together as a Peoples. If you need emotional assistance, the National
Indian Residential School Crisis Hotline can be reached at 1-866-925-4419.
How the Government of Canada could have thought that this could remain hidden is beyond
imagination. How the Government of Canada could have thought that this was acceptable behavior is
unforgiveable. Why was this not stopped? Why was this hidden?
So many families continue to be affected by what the Government of Canada has chosen to do to try to
remove the Indigenous Peoples of Canada., through their colonial policies. Canada must be held
accountable for the wrongdoings that continue to be uncovered. Canada must stop the continued
denial of all the Indigenous Peoples of this County. The Government of Canada must move forward with
all the Indigenous Peoples of Canada towards Truth and Reconciliation and not continue to hide from
the horrors of the past.