“Going Forward to a Better Future“
Our Goal:
To encourage Aboriginal students to remain in school and to pursue a higher level of education.
All off-reserve Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal students in Nova Scotia with eligibility criteria defined by the specific education program or fund.
How We Help:
Student Services: The Director of Education provides guidance, support, advice, intervention and is a link
between Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal parents & students and schools, and various educational resources.
NCNS Scholarship Awards: Small scholarships open to Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal students that are connected to the
NCNS and are enrolled in full time studies at university, community college, or at a recognized post-secondary
institution, and not be receiving financial support from a First Nation Community.
NCNS Academic Achievement Award: Honour cash awards are available to students in Grades 7-12 that pass
with honours.
NCNS Youth Leadership Awards/Leadership Development Initiative: To recognize a Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal
youth who has demonstrated leadership qualities; to provide financial support to enable a student to enhance
leadership potential.
NCNS Education Enhancement Program: To provide limited financial support to assist the off-reserve
Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal student overcome barriers that is encountered during their educational journey
For More Information Contact:
Melissa McNutt
N.C.N.S Education Officer
P.O Box 1320
Truro, NS
B2N 5N2
Toll Free: 1-800-565-4372
Direct: 1-902-895-1523
email: education@ncns.ca
Website: www.ncns.ca