“Keeping our Treaties, Practices and Customs Strong for us today, our Children and Future Generations”
Our Goal:
Promote, advance, foster and defend Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, and Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Title for the benefit of all Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples of Nova Scotia.
Off-reserve Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples, heirs to Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, our Community’s recognized Netukli’tite’wk (Harvesters) who harvest natural life resources through the N.C.N.S. Community’s harvest management regimés.
How We Help:
Through extensive research, political negotiations, advocacy, legal challenges, and the administration of the N.C.N.S. Netukulimkewe’l Commission Harvesting Regimes, and the use of the Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Defence fund, we advance the political and legal recognition and our duty to protect and exercise our constitutional existing Treaty Rights, Aboriginal Rights and Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Title as the Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples of Canada continuing on our traditional ancestral homelands of Mi’kma’ki.
For More Information, Contact:
N.C.N.S. Netukulimkewe’l Commission Commissioner
Tim Martin
172 Truro Heights Road
P.O. Box 1320, Truro, NS B2N 5N2
Toll Free: 1-877-565-4372
Direct: 902-895-7050
Fax: 902-895-8182
email: netcomm@ncnsnetcomm.ns.ca
Website: www.ncns.ca